通过手绘、设计、手工制作等方式,综合1911年开始的品牌文化,分别设计三组不同场景展示FILA(主品牌)、FILA FUSION(潮牌)、FILA KIDS(童装)的品牌历史、产品以及穿着场景等。也自然植入了品牌活动在其中,顾客可以穿梭其中感受品牌三大产品线的底蕴与质感:FILA 的高级运动时装、FILA FUSION 的街头潮流、FILA KIDS 的童趣与可爱,在恒隆广场中庭超过 10 米的三等分饼状圆形场地中齐齐展现。
Using hand-painting, design and handmade methods and integrating the brand culture since 1911, three sets of scenes are designed to show the history, products and wearing scenarios of FILA, FILA FUSION and FILA KIDS. Brand activities are implanted. Customers can experience the heritage and texture of the three product lines: FILA’s high-end sportswear, FILA FUSION’s street trend and FILA KIDS’ cuteness are displayed in the trisected circular site in the atrium of Hang Lung Plaza.